Happy Birthday Vicki Cobb
! Born August 19, 1938.
The goal of this blog is to celebrate the birthday of children's authors. I provide activities that I actually taught in my 4th grade classroom before I became a stay at home dad. I absolutely loved teaching language arts and one of the reasons was the "Happy Birthday Author" program. As I researched authors and prepared lessons each week it was clear to me that it was an effective and exciting way to address language arts concepts throughout the school year. As I write this blog I notice that celebrating an author's birthday may have a more important quality, exposing children to a variety of genres of literature. Children and adults often read only what they like and rarely expose themselves to different types of literature. (Recently, I am stuck in a rut reading only Personal Finance books.) I have often had students get only animal books at the school library throughout the school year. In the past 3 weeks this blog has covered children's fiction, poetry, fairy tales, folktales and legends. This week, with the celebration of Vicki Cobb's birthday, another genre of children's literature will be covered. I hope that readers of this blog enjoy the short and simple activities. However, even if you and your children do not have time to complete the activities, maybe this blog will give your children ideas for new books they can look for at the library.
Vicki Cobb, a science author, has written more than 80 books for children. Since, I started writing this Happy Birthday Author blog most of the children's literature discussed has been fiction. Vicki Cobb's non-fiction, informational text is a great change of pace this week. I still remember celebrating Vicki Cobb's birthday for the first time, six year ago. The students were so excited to read her books and try the different activities and experiments.
At the beginning of the week I reviewed the terms non-fiction and fiction. This was a perfect time to discuss these terms, because they have had some great examples of fiction and covered a lot of great examples non-fiction through this week. I also began the week by giving each student a different quick science experiment from You Gotta Try This: Absolutely Irresistible Science
I also remember reading, Your Tongue Can Tell: Discover Your Sense of Taste
Vicki Cobb has written many other books about senses including Follow Your Nose: Discover Your Sense of Smell
Another great book that involves food is Science Experiments You Can Eat
Check Out Vicki Cobb's Latest Books from 2010:
1. Vicki Cobb's Website
2. Text Interview with Vicki Cobb - Suite101
3. Birthday source - USM de Grummond Collection
Originally Posted September 6, 2007
Post Updated: September 19, 2010
2. Text Interview with Vicki Cobb - Suite101
3. Birthday source - USM de Grummond Collection
Originally Posted September 6, 2007
Post Updated: September 19, 2010
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