The response from the "HUG" for the Holidays Contest was wonderful. I appreciate the time everyone took to share their favorite "HUG" memory or thought. I truly enjoyed reading all of them. Here is a sampling of the responses:
The special hug that comes to mind is one from my grandma Rosa. She's passed on now, but when I was little, I was very close to her as she would watch me while my mom worked. She was always tiny, so even back then as a kid her hugs felt loving but also fun because of her size :) As an adult, she would disappear in my arms. I miss her. [Shared by Marty]
When I was in high school my parents went overseas for a work trip and my brother was away at school. I received a call telling my grandfather had passed away with no one to share the news with. My friend was going to take me to school that day and when she came in she knew something was wrong. She had open arms for a hug. That hug got me through the day and I was able to make all the calls to let other family know what happened. She stayed with me until my parents got home and had open arms whenever I needed it. [Shared by Frugaluser]
My dad worked in Indonesia when I was a kid, he came home only once or twice (occasionally) a year. One day I came home from school and had no idea he was coming home (it was not Christmas, when he usually did) and I walked into the living room and he was asleep on the chair. I will remember that hug forever, I was maybe 7 or 8. I was/am a Daddy's girl and missed him so much. (He now lives in my city). [Shared by moms2girls]
Special hug for us is the bear hugs that our youngest daughter always gives us. [Shared by Vivian]
I had a special hug from my seven year old son yesterday. We are making rice bags for gifts this year. The bags have two layers of fabric 6" by 12" and are filled with rice. They can be heated up in the microwave for a little over a minute and used as a heating pad or put in the freezer for a cold pack. I've been watching over and teaching my three kids how to pin, fill, and sew these bags the last few days. It is a true test of patience. I do it out of love. My seven year old son had just made his first rice bag for himself yesterday. He did a great job and was proud of himself. He wanted to make one for his Grandpa Bob right away. I told him I needed to get a few things done around the house first. Then I looked at his eager face and told him we'd make one right now. As I was busy cutting the material he hugged me from the side. That hug said so many wonderful things. The hug said, "Thanks for taking the time for me." "I love you." "I appreciate you." "I like what we're doing right now." and "I am glad you're my mom." [Shared by Michelle]
My most special hug is a recent one from my dad. He doesn't show emotions very well. After struggling with infertility for four years...both my mom and my dad were able to be there with my husband and I when we found out we are expecting a little girl. The hug from my father at that moment was unforgettable. His first granddaughter... [Shared my Amaprincess]
Recently becoming a new father (maybe not recent, it has already been a year), I remember the day my son started to play the hug game. He gives mommy a big hug, turns, reaches for daddy, then hugs me. Then he turns back to mommy and the cycle repeats. This can go on for 10 to 15 minutes. The whole world stops when we play this game. [Shared by Craig]
The first time my oldest granddaughter gave me a hug without being prompted to do so stands out as a special hug to me. She still gives me great hugs, but each hug I receive from any of my grandchildren is special and I cherish each one. [Shared by Linda]
My favourite hugs are unsolicited ones from my kids. There is nothing better than having them randomly throw their arms around my neck and snuggle their heads in close. [Shared by Pam]
Granddaughter hugs are the best. [Shared by Russtown]
My favorite hugs are from my kids. My 5 year old does not hug often, but when she does, it says "Mommy, I love you, and I am glad you are here." My three year old hugs more often, and his hugs often mean "I need you right now" or "It makes me happy to be with you." My six month old's hugs are very special. When I have been away at work all day, and I get home, he wants nothing more for me to hold him and he rubs his face on my shoulder and neck. It is the best feeling after a long day of work! [Shared by Lisa]
My favorite hugs are from my 2 year old son. When he feels lovey he runs over and yells "cuddle me" with a giant smile and wraps his arms around me. It is truly the best feeling in the world! [Shared by Brooke F.]
I'd love the opportunity to share a hug with my mom these days. I'd also love to see her hug my son. My mom passed away 10 years ago and I find myself needing her advice often, as I'm the mother of a preschool son. [Shared by Sharing Savings with You]
The last hug I had from my great grandpa is special to me - now I appreciate every hug from one of my grandparents. [Shared by Marci J]
My favorite hugs come from my 9 grandchildren. One day my granddaughter Taya said "Gaga you had a bad day at work and I think you need a big ole hug." [Shared by Barb]
I am the biggest hugger and my favorites are all the big ones I get from my three little ones all day long:) [Shared by Mom]
In the field of medicine it is typically frowned upon to hug your patients. Occasionally it happens, if someone is going through a really trying time, or if a little kid sneaks in a hug. "Professional distance" is encouraged. In the midst of a snowstorm, I went to see my 93 year old patient in a nearby nursing home. Though she can speed walk faster than I can, she no longer remembers faces/names of family members or caregivers. Yesterday, when I once again introduced myself, in a flurry she grabbed my cheeks, kissed me on the nose, and hugged me as if I was her own granddaughter. In that moment, every reason that I went into medicine became crystal clear. [Shared by Karen]
There are so many special times that I have received hugs from my kids, parents, fiancee, nieces, my grandparents, and many more. But I would say that the most special hug would have to be from my Late Grandpa Hubert. That has been so many years ago, over 13 to be exact, but it's still like it was today. [Shared by Angela Michelle Paddock]
When I think of my favorite hugs they come from my 5 year old son. My nickname for him is monkey! He get that nickname because he gives the best monkey hugs. He will wrap his arms and legs around me and give me the biggest hug that he can! [Shared by agray423]
My son asks for hugs a lot since we added a new baby. [Shared by Infant Bibliophile]
One of my special hugs came today as a young man that I knew as he grew up headed off to the military and today came back for a visit. God Bless this young man for we are all proud of him. [Shared by shopannies]
Wow! Those stories are so awesome. It just shows that hugs are very special in many different ways to so many people. I was so overwhelmed with the response that I am giving away 3 copies of the book HUG by Jez Alborough in addition to the drawing he generously provided!
The winner of the drawing from Jez Alborough of Bobo was Craig.
The winner of the books were Michelle, Amaprincess, and Marty.

When I was in high school my parents went overseas for a work trip and my brother was away at school. I received a call telling my grandfather had passed away with no one to share the news with. My friend was going to take me to school that day and when she came in she knew something was wrong. She had open arms for a hug. That hug got me through the day and I was able to make all the calls to let other family know what happened. She stayed with me until my parents got home and had open arms whenever I needed it. [Shared by Frugaluser]
My dad worked in Indonesia when I was a kid, he came home only once or twice (occasionally) a year. One day I came home from school and had no idea he was coming home (it was not Christmas, when he usually did) and I walked into the living room and he was asleep on the chair. I will remember that hug forever, I was maybe 7 or 8. I was/am a Daddy's girl and missed him so much. (He now lives in my city). [Shared by moms2girls]
Special hug for us is the bear hugs that our youngest daughter always gives us. [Shared by Vivian]
I had a special hug from my seven year old son yesterday. We are making rice bags for gifts this year. The bags have two layers of fabric 6" by 12" and are filled with rice. They can be heated up in the microwave for a little over a minute and used as a heating pad or put in the freezer for a cold pack. I've been watching over and teaching my three kids how to pin, fill, and sew these bags the last few days. It is a true test of patience. I do it out of love. My seven year old son had just made his first rice bag for himself yesterday. He did a great job and was proud of himself. He wanted to make one for his Grandpa Bob right away. I told him I needed to get a few things done around the house first. Then I looked at his eager face and told him we'd make one right now. As I was busy cutting the material he hugged me from the side. That hug said so many wonderful things. The hug said, "Thanks for taking the time for me." "I love you." "I appreciate you." "I like what we're doing right now." and "I am glad you're my mom." [Shared by Michelle]
My most special hug is a recent one from my dad. He doesn't show emotions very well. After struggling with infertility for four years...both my mom and my dad were able to be there with my husband and I when we found out we are expecting a little girl. The hug from my father at that moment was unforgettable. His first granddaughter... [Shared my Amaprincess]
Recently becoming a new father (maybe not recent, it has already been a year), I remember the day my son started to play the hug game. He gives mommy a big hug, turns, reaches for daddy, then hugs me. Then he turns back to mommy and the cycle repeats. This can go on for 10 to 15 minutes. The whole world stops when we play this game. [Shared by Craig]
The first time my oldest granddaughter gave me a hug without being prompted to do so stands out as a special hug to me. She still gives me great hugs, but each hug I receive from any of my grandchildren is special and I cherish each one. [Shared by Linda]
My favourite hugs are unsolicited ones from my kids. There is nothing better than having them randomly throw their arms around my neck and snuggle their heads in close. [Shared by Pam]
Granddaughter hugs are the best. [Shared by Russtown]
My favorite hugs are from my kids. My 5 year old does not hug often, but when she does, it says "Mommy, I love you, and I am glad you are here." My three year old hugs more often, and his hugs often mean "I need you right now" or "It makes me happy to be with you." My six month old's hugs are very special. When I have been away at work all day, and I get home, he wants nothing more for me to hold him and he rubs his face on my shoulder and neck. It is the best feeling after a long day of work! [Shared by Lisa]
My favorite hugs are from my 2 year old son. When he feels lovey he runs over and yells "cuddle me" with a giant smile and wraps his arms around me. It is truly the best feeling in the world! [Shared by Brooke F.]
I'd love the opportunity to share a hug with my mom these days. I'd also love to see her hug my son. My mom passed away 10 years ago and I find myself needing her advice often, as I'm the mother of a preschool son. [Shared by Sharing Savings with You]
The last hug I had from my great grandpa is special to me - now I appreciate every hug from one of my grandparents. [Shared by Marci J]
My favorite hugs come from my 9 grandchildren. One day my granddaughter Taya said "Gaga you had a bad day at work and I think you need a big ole hug." [Shared by Barb]
I am the biggest hugger and my favorites are all the big ones I get from my three little ones all day long:) [Shared by Mom]
In the field of medicine it is typically frowned upon to hug your patients. Occasionally it happens, if someone is going through a really trying time, or if a little kid sneaks in a hug. "Professional distance" is encouraged. In the midst of a snowstorm, I went to see my 93 year old patient in a nearby nursing home. Though she can speed walk faster than I can, she no longer remembers faces/names of family members or caregivers. Yesterday, when I once again introduced myself, in a flurry she grabbed my cheeks, kissed me on the nose, and hugged me as if I was her own granddaughter. In that moment, every reason that I went into medicine became crystal clear. [Shared by Karen]
There are so many special times that I have received hugs from my kids, parents, fiancee, nieces, my grandparents, and many more. But I would say that the most special hug would have to be from my Late Grandpa Hubert. That has been so many years ago, over 13 to be exact, but it's still like it was today. [Shared by Angela Michelle Paddock]
When I think of my favorite hugs they come from my 5 year old son. My nickname for him is monkey! He get that nickname because he gives the best monkey hugs. He will wrap his arms and legs around me and give me the biggest hug that he can! [Shared by agray423]
My son asks for hugs a lot since we added a new baby. [Shared by Infant Bibliophile]
One of my special hugs came today as a young man that I knew as he grew up headed off to the military and today came back for a visit. God Bless this young man for we are all proud of him. [Shared by shopannies]
Wow! Those stories are so awesome. It just shows that hugs are very special in many different ways to so many people. I was so overwhelmed with the response that I am giving away 3 copies of the book HUG by Jez Alborough in addition to the drawing he generously provided!
The winner of the drawing from Jez Alborough of Bobo was Craig.
The winner of the books were Michelle, Amaprincess, and Marty.
I also enjoyed reading all the hug stories. I forgot to comment with mine. My family always gave hugs to each other growing up but we didn't really show that kind of affection to those outside our immediate family. When I went to my husband's family reunion the first time, everyone gave hugs. It was a hug-fest. I wasn't sure what to think at first but it kind of grows on you and now I'm all about the hugs.
ReplyDeleteCongrats to all the winners and so glad you got such a great response!