Happy New Year + Top 10 Birthday Celebrations of 2016!

Today, we brought 2016 to a close by celebrating Margery Cuyler's birthday (December 31). My boys built the BIGGEST, BEST SNOWMAN and I read the book. Afterwards, I starting thinking about our author and illustrator birthday celebrations of 2016. Below, I have highlighted the top 10 viewed celebrations. Our family hopes you had a great year and we wish you the best in 2017!

A castle good enough to eat.

A visit to the National Aviary.

Art and a huge mess with pipettes and blue ink.

Gum-like pink slime!

Chocolate Wolfie the Bunnies for Easter

Snappsy Sock Puppets with Tongs for his Mouth!

Watching Five Trucks at the airport.

Paper Collage and a Leap Day story!

A birthday celebration at church.

Homemade crayon bandoliers.

A few more favorites:

"I LOVE DANGER" t-shirts and a daredevil helmet.

A life-size snowman.

Happy Birthday, Steve Johnson - June 20
A salamander hunt.

Bling, bling! Bedazzled shoes.
